"The core of our efforts is on helping companies develop Web Business Solutions that will drive their operations into the future".
To do so, we:
- ensure that customers remain #1,
- approach business with a focus on results,
- consistently focus on what we do best.
About Us
Contenta Web Services is a privately held Canadian corporation founded in 1995. The company offers innovative and cost-effective Web Business Solutions to Corporations and Associations seeking quality services.
At your service are skilled business analysts, web designers and developers who play valuable roles in the development and deployment of Web Business Solutions. Years of experience backed by training in leading technologies allows Contenta to deliver the right mix of Business, Technolgy and Design.
We use the following technologies to program Websites and e-Business Applications:
- CSS layouts
- MS-SQL Server, MySQL, MS-Access
- JavaScript, jQuery
- CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
We use the following applications to create and design Web Content:
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks
- Adobe Flas
- Adobe Contribute
- Adobe Acrobat